My most freqvent read pages


måndag 25 december 2017

Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas to my followers and readers from all over the World.

A Hallmark Christmas ornament "1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator"
in our christmas tree.

lördag 16 december 2017

The Aruba Mercury Cougar Eliminator 1970 (Youtubevideo).

You probably have seen the picture of the orange rusted out 1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator before.
This Cat is sitting in a yard in Aruba.
Aruba is a sland in the Caribbean islands.
How the Cougar ended up at this island is told that a n oil executor brought it here at some point and then left it.

Read more here:

A pic of the 1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator sitting in a yard rottening away.

Here is the walk around video showing the Eliminators poor stage.

söndag 19 november 2017

How Smokey Yunick (Almost) Beat ‘Em All At Talladega With This Boss 302.

"During qualifying Blackburn scorched the course with a lap of 177-mph (285 km/h) to take the pole. The next closest qualifier was Jim Paschal in an AMC Javelin at a hair over 172-mph (277km/h). You don’t need to know much about anything to understand that a 5-mph (8 km/h) qualifying difference is titanic in a stock car race." 😎

"Blackburn had at least lapped the field once and perhaps twice before a rocker arm,,,,,,,,," 😢

Read more about it here, Link:

fredag 10 november 2017

351C Cleveland block i nyproduktion i både aluminium och gjutjärn.

Snart kan du köpa ett nyproducerat Clevelandblock. är i slutfasen med att ta fram dessa efterlängtade block.



Riktpriser idagsläget är:
$3750 för ett gjutjärns block (ca 31000 skr idagsläget)
$6250 för ett aluminiumblock (ca 52000 skr i dagsläget)
Blocken är förstärkta och har bl.a. en hel bakre vevaxeltätning.
Alla block har också 4-bultade ramlageröverfall.
Det finns andra tillval också man kan få på blocken beroende på vad de är tänkta till för applikation.
Även att välja gjutdatum och koder m.m.
Det går att förboka block redan nu.

tisdag 7 november 2017

torsdag 12 oktober 2017

351C Nya ventilkåpor med lite färg.

Målade lite röd och blå färg på de nya Ford Racing "351 Cleveland" ventilkåporna.
Added som paint to the new valve covers.

milf, cougar, soccer mom, bbc, amateur, cuckold

onsdag 27 september 2017

Youtubeserie Mecka V8

En gammal DVD serie som gavs ut för ca 10 år sedan som handlar om att renovera en V8.
Nu är hela serien släppt på Youtube. 

fredag 22 september 2017

Some new parts

Some new parts arrived yesterday.

A new "stock look" Flame-Thrower distributor w ignitor III module. Stock look with performance inside  such as rev. limiter and multispark.
and some other parts seen in pics below + some revealed later.

torsdag 10 augusti 2017

Montera Twist-Lok AN-kopplingar och EFI Twist-Lok slang.

Slängde ihop en liten filmsnutt gällande Twist-Lok kopplingar och AN-kopplingar i allmänhet.

tisdag 8 augusti 2017

Varför du borde uppgradera ditt bränslesystem med EFI (Bränsleinsprutning).

En bra artikel väl värd att läsa.
Artikeln är på Engelska.

Det har aldrig varit enklare med dessa "självlärande" system.
Plug and Play
Ekonomiskt överkomligt
Bättre bränsleekonomi
Enklare att starta kall som varm

lördag 5 augusti 2017

Elektrisk Bränslepump, same but different?

Vad är det för skillnad på de elektriska bränslepumparna egentligen?

fredag 28 juli 2017

FiTech Go Street EFI 400HP installation del1.

Första video i en serie om installation av bränsleinsprutning på en 351C.

lördag 8 april 2017

Yet another Project, a vintage Moped.

Here it is my new project,
a 1958 Crescent 2000  "Månraket" originally  with a 0,8 Hp 50cc Sachs 2 speed motor.
In Sweden it has a nick name "The Moon Rocket".
It will be a Rat Bike and i will probably sand blast the frame and paint it
and also the gas tank will be painted. Everything else as is.

1958 Crescent 2000 "Månraket"

As you can see its a real project but the motor seems to been overhauled.
Originally this Moped had pedalstart, but this motor have a kick start.
This motor also have a 3,5 Hp cylinder kit and a bigger carburetor with a adjustable nozzle.

As you can see this Moped follows the design of the cars of that time.
More pictures coming soon.
Headlight and saddle is missing.
The placement of the headlight is a little special.
It is sitting at the front of the gas tank.

To fix:
The electrical wiring
Handle bar

Assembly line #

Motor # year 1962

Chassi # beginning with N8 means Nymans (manufacturer) and 1958

Closer view of the design

Closer view of the design

The back end with the triangular back glass in one piece faded though.
Emblem Nymans

5 wire kill switch

Saddle lock

Steering lock

Carburetor and clutch wire

Rear sprocket

Front wheel mounted in the wrong way. The brake hub should be on the right side

4 Wires from the sachs engine

Rear hub Sachs, is this original?

lördag 25 mars 2017

Made me a Youtube channel trailer.

Welcome  to visit my youtube channel and various videos.

onsdag 22 mars 2017

Ford V8 302 restoration w Edelbrock retro roller top end kit.

Made a video about my restoration of the motor to my Mustang 1965.
Its a Edelbrock retro roller top end kit added to the motor.
Did the restoration a couple a years back but never made this video until now.

fredag 17 mars 2017

A Real Graveyard of Cars.

All though that im living only 50km or 31 miles from this quiet famous place i recently visited it for the first time. 

Kyrkö Mosse (Church island bag) is a place where a man named Åke Danielsson lived and worked (1914-2000).
Åke did cut peat for a living on his bog, but in the 40:ies he started to scrap cars as a side income, due to the war the scrap metal prize was high. The collecting of cars stopped around 1980.
There is more than 100 scraped cars resting in this area.

In the youtube link you can se most of the cars and the status of them today.
I couldnt see any cars newer than maybe from the early70:ies and the oldest is from the 30-40:ies.
Åke moved/abandoned this place in early 1990 and in the late 90:ies the area was declared as a historic industrial memory and got a 49 year protection. So this place will be left as is until about 2050 before the Goverment can clean it up.

If you do some searching about this place you can find a lot of pictures from some years earlier and compare how far the cars have been detoriated.

Although this place is a bog its quiet easy to walk around even in training shoes.

This place Kyrkö Mosse is a quiet popular place to visit and people from other countries also go here.
The location is south of Sweden and the coordinates is: 56°28′N 14°39′Ö if you ever want to visit the place.

Youtube link:

Some pictures

torsdag 9 mars 2017

Australian Touring Car Masters 2017

Vintage car racing from Australia.

Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

måndag 20 februari 2017

Mario Andrettis 1969 Lotus Formula 5000 with a BOSS 302.

The mighty BOSS 302 (Cleveland Heads)
in Perfect running condition

söndag 19 februari 2017

Ultimate Supercar Experience

I had the opportunity to drive some nice cars on a race track when i visited Canary Islands.
I drove The BMW M3, Audi R8, TVR Tuscan and the Ferrari 360 Modena at a race track/circuit.
It included two in-car videos me driving the Audi R8 and the Ferrari 360 Modena.

Ferrari 360 Modena V8 400hp

Also i got a ride in a Ariel Atom. I got 3 laps in each of the cars plus a couple laps co-driving learning the braking points and the correct entrance into the curves at the Maspalomas Circuit.
It was a blast. Youtube video below.

BMW M3, V8 420hp

Ariel Atom 300hp/600kg

Audi R8 420hp

TVR Tuscan V6 350hp

Strapped and ready for some action in the Ariel Atom

Behind the wheel of the TVR Tuscan.

söndag 29 januari 2017

Ok, lets talk about Power adder Hoax, scams etc.

Here is a couple of perfect examples of Hoax items to improve boost/power/fuel effiency for your motor. The common thing is they never prove any facts that they work and also if it worked the big manufacturers would be all over it.

#1. The Electric Super Charger.

#2. Thompson Performance, Power blast plate.


#3. Fuel Pills


The only thing this items do is dig a hole in your wallet.
Dont be foolish and buy this crap.
I warned you, stay away.

fredag 27 januari 2017

The 1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator Was a Classy Mach One Mustang.

A very good readable article about the mighty Eliminator.
I recommend yo to read it if you are interested in The Eliminator.

måndag 23 januari 2017

Hur ovanliga är våra Mercury Cougars?

I Sverige är Cougar en relativt ovanlig och sällsynt bil.
Finns cirka 400+ kända i Sverige tillverkade mellan 1967-1975.

Jämför man med tex. Dodge Charger, Chevrolet Camaro, Ford Mustang vilket det går ett dussin per 1 st Cougar så inser man att Cougar är en väldigt ovanlig bil.

Ja Dodge Charger tillverkades också i ett ganska litet antal i paritet med Cougar, dock finns det betydligt fler Chargers än Cougars i Sverige. Chargern känns ibland lika vanlig som Pontiac Bonneville.

Det är alltid kul att ha en ovanlig bil, men det finns avigsidor med det också.
Tillgång till delar är en del av problemet. Så en Cougar som saknar en massa delar och eller är kraftigt modifierad kommer kosta skjortan eller vara helt omöjlig att renovera till originalskick.
Helt enkelt för att väldigt få Cougarspecifika detaljer nyproduceras eller finns tillgängliga som begagnad reservdel i bra skick.

Så oavsett Cougar och årsmodell så är din bil ovanlig.

Varför ser det ut så gällande Cougar?
Cougar var en s.k. "lyxmustang" som skulle attrahera medelålders välbärgade "sportiga" män.
Cougarn var lite dyrare än tex. en Mustang.
Det högre priset på Cougarn avskräckte potentiella köpare som istället ofta valde en Mustang.

Väldigt många Amerikanska bilar tillverkade mellan 1960-1970 skrotades ut på 80-talet då de ansåg inte ha något värde.
De bilar som då inte hade så stort tillverkningsantal blev det väldigt få kvar av.
Många Cougars som har samma motor och drivlina som Mustangen blev skrotade då Mustangägare behövde reservdelar till sina populärare och betydligt fler tillverkade Mustanger.

Hur ovanlig är då Cougarn?

Ett exempel:
Tar vi i jämförelse en ovanlig modell av Ford Mustang BOSS 302 1970 och Jämför med en likadan än ovanligare Mercury Cougar Eliminator BOSS 302 1970.

Ford Mustang BOSS 302 1970 tillverkades i 7013 st exemplar.
Mercury Cougar Eliminator BOSS 302 1970 tillverkades i 469 st exemplar.

I Sverige finns endast 1st känd Mercury Cougar Eliminator BOSS 302 1970.

Ser man till den totala produktionen 1970 för Mustang vs Cougar så ser det ut så här:

Mustang 1970 totalt producerat antal bilar: 190727 st.
Cougar 1970 totalt producerat antal bilar 72365 st.

Mustang Mach1 1970 antal 40970 st
Cougar Eliminator 1970 antal 2267 st.

Tar man då i beaktande tidsaspekten, rost och slitage, olyckor etc.
Särskilt med tanke på att det är sportbilar med dålig väghållning och stora motoreffekter så räknar man med att "överlevnadsfaktorn" för dessa sportbilar är så låg som 1:10 på vissa modeller idag.

lördag 14 januari 2017

351C-4V Edelbrock Performer vs Blue Thunder intake comparsion & Fitech.

Took som photos of the difference between the Performer intake (idle-5500rpm) and the Blue Thunder (idle to 6800rpm).
The Blue Thunder is about 1" taller in height and are considered as an semi hi-rise intake.
Also i took some pics to show the size difference between the intakes and also show how big the intake runners is on the 351C-4V cylinder heads.

Here is how i was planning to run on my 351C- 4V CC earlier.
Edelbrock performer with Edelbrock 600cfm and a 1"spacer.

Here you can see that the Performer intake is sitting about 16-17mm
below my valvecovers wo a 1"spacer.
 I have no pic of it but the Blue Thunder intake is sitting way above my valve covers. 
I think the carburetor flange and the intake floor is about 1" (25mm) higher than the Performer intake.

351C-4V cylinder head intake runner size.

Edelbrock Performer 351C-4V intake manifold (351 LBV )
Much smaller intake runners.

Blue Thunder intake Manifold 351C-4V huge intake runners.
Fitech 400hp 
This is the setup im going with Fitech 400hp and a Blue Thunder intake for my 351C-4V CC.

fredag 13 januari 2017

Blue Thunder intake, heat riser block off.

351c-4v Blue Thunder (Shelby) intake manifold.

Here is how i blocked off the exhaust heat risers.
Only one side showed in pics, both sides closed.
I used aluminum mesh and sealed it with chemical metal.
You can block it off with a thin piece of sheet metal like a piece of a beer can.
Also you can weld it.

The reason to do this is to hinder hot air to warm the intake manifold.
By doing this you get cooler and denser air to your motor, more power.
The downside is that it will take a little longer to get motor to working temerature and if you still have the carburetor with the choke tube attached to the manifold it wont work with this modification. You need electric or manual chocke instead.

For a car used only in summer time the heat riser isnt needed.
If i will regret it its easy to open up the block off.

Aluminum mesh
Chemical Metal
Blocked off, just some sanding required.