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EFI Fuel injection (Fitech)

Im not an expert, so if you want proffessional thoughts you have to search somewere else.

Fuel injection is quiet popular theese days.
I understand why.
You will not get a huge improvement power wise but probably the fuel consumption will be lower.
Always starts, cold or warm motor, no wapor lock, no bogging, no cranking.
The good thing about fuel injection is that its controlled by a computer.
That means that it will supply your motor with correct fuel/air mixture over the whole rpm and power register. The computers is nowdays also is self learning and all you have to do is pretty much to hook it up and drive.

Everyone knows how hard it is to setup a carburetor to run perfect.
You have to have a right sized carb, and the right needles, the right acc. nozzles and so on.

Because of that its easier to get your motor tuned with a self learning fuel injection you also most certain will get better power out of your motor instead of using your carburetor.
Offcourse you can hire a work shop to tune your carburetor and get it tuned better, but how many does that?

Easy to install
Prices going down, cost not much more than a branded carburetor.
The Fitech EFI is much cheaper than other branded EFI systems and the Fitech EFI have a good reputation.

Fitech  EFI

There is many companys selling these fuel injection systems.

The most popular and easiest to install is the throttle body style fuel injections.
You simple remove your old carburetor and install the fuel injection throttle body hook up some wiring and start the motor.
Many of these systems is so called self learning so you dont have to program alot.
Often you dont have to do anything at all.

One of the most popular systems today is the Fitech fuel injection.
It is for sale to a very attemting price and people like them very much.
If you search the net you will find a lot of positive comments about it.

Fitech:s new 400hp (#30003) unit is affordable ($795, 2016/10) and i learned that this unit actually delivers upto about 450hp.
The 400hp is a budget option without the color screen and sells only in tumbled aluminum casting.

To refer to carburetor talk and get a preference you can say that the Fitech 400hp unit is a 835 cfm.

Good things about the Fitech is that you can use your old mechanical fuel pump if you want to.
Then you have to install Fitech:s Command Center (#40003). Still you have to have a return to fuel tank. In this version they call it a vent hose. If you have a crowded enginebay already youmay have to relocate the battery to the trunk.

The other option is to have a extern electric fuel pump kit (#40005) with a fuel return to fuel tank.

Fitech have a 600hp, 800hp and 1200hp versions, some also supports power adders.
The bigger ones also is capable to control the ignition.
The 400hp dont control ignition.

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