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How To DIY istall a vinyl top roof to your Cougar.

Do you want that Classic 70-style back on your car.
Vinyl roof the typical 70:ies era poor mans convertible look.

My former Cougar XR7 Eliminator cloned with vinyl roof.

Many people says, oh no not vinyl roof. The roof will rust away.
Really? If you have restored your car and only drive it weekends etc.
Will it rust? Certinally not.
In my POW if the car had vinyl roof original it should have it still.
It gives your car caracter and will stand out.

Its not easy but not hard either. Just takes some patience and accuracy.

Things that you might need.

A friend.
A knife or razorblade.
A scissor
A tape ruler or similar.
A bunch of glue clamps
A marking pen
6-8 bottles of spray glue.

Swedish info: Man brukar rekommendera 3M:s spraylim, men jag har provat den och kommit fram till att Biltemas spraylim är bättre.

Make sure your roof is rust free and Clean. If it is painted sand it a Little to allow the glue to grip.
Remove the moldings and clips around the windshield, rear window and roof rails.
If you have a molding between rear window and trunk lid be careful with it when removing it.
The studs is fragile.
Its prefered that the glass in front and rear is out of the car.
It can be made without taking them out but i recommend you to take them out.
Make sure its fairly warm if you do it outside, if inside a garage use a heater to make it to about 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahreheit).

Place the vinyl on top of the car to see that it fits. Meassure both roof and vinyl for the center sideways and lenghtways mark center lines on roof and vinyl.

Spray a layer of glue about 8 inches out from center both sides and all the way from front to back.
Spray glue to the vinyl the same way, if the vinyl have cloth underside spray very rich.
Let it settle and dry a couple of minutes.

Now its time to use your friend. 4 hands and 4 Eyes is good to have when you put the vinyl on the roof.
Make sure it comes in the right Place. Press/squeese the vinyl and drag your hand from the middle and out without moving the vinyl. Make sure no air is trapped under the vinyl. Stretch the vinyl and Place a bunch of clamps to the edges of the roof all around.
If the vinyl have seams make sure they stay straight and is in equal lenght from side to side.

Now its time to take a break and let the glue dry a couple of hours or atleast an hour or so.

Then its time to do the rest of the roof, A-pillar and C-pillar plus behind the rear window last.

Work the vinyl out and down the pillars and down in the window valleys and down in the roof rail valley and up over the edge. Cut to fit.

Dont hurry, take your time.

Install the windows, clips moldings and badges.

Pease feel free to like, comment and subscribe.

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