Mercury Cougar XR7 Convertible 1970.

Mercury Cougar XR7 Convertible 1970.
Mercury Cougar XR7 Convertible 1970

fredag 17 mars 2017

A Real Graveyard of Cars.

All though that im living only 50km or 31 miles from this quiet famous place i recently visited it for the first time. 

Kyrkö Mosse (Church island bag) is a place where a man named Åke Danielsson lived and worked (1914-2000).
Åke did cut peat for a living on his bog, but in the 40:ies he started to scrap cars as a side income, due to the war the scrap metal prize was high. The collecting of cars stopped around 1980.
There is more than 100 scraped cars resting in this area.

In the youtube link you can se most of the cars and the status of them today.
I couldnt see any cars newer than maybe from the early70:ies and the oldest is from the 30-40:ies.
Åke moved/abandoned this place in early 1990 and in the late 90:ies the area was declared as a historic industrial memory and got a 49 year protection. So this place will be left as is until about 2050 before the Goverment can clean it up.

If you do some searching about this place you can find a lot of pictures from some years earlier and compare how far the cars have been detoriated.

Although this place is a bog its quiet easy to walk around even in training shoes.

This place Kyrkö Mosse is a quiet popular place to visit and people from other countries also go here.
The location is south of Sweden and the coordinates is: 56°28′N 14°39′Ö if you ever want to visit the place.

Youtube link:

Some pictures

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